Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey For Every Dreamer

Reading Time: 4 minutes

It’s a fact that all of us are made of star-stuff. Wow! Starstuff!!! Isn’t it amazing just to hear the sound of it? Imagine exploring the vast skies and beyond with no boundaries of space and time. What an odyssey that would be!

I was always fascinated with the night sky. It made me think about what lies beyond those twinkling stars. But there was no one to guide or point me in the right direction. I remember my school project where I had to create a solar system model. With little help, I gathered some household stuff, and created something weird; but it felt good.

You must be wondering why am I bringing up this old school story. Wait we are getting to our main topic!

Education plays a vital role both in shaping and living our dreams. We all realize that eventually. But for most of us, it is often too late; resulting in new compromised dreams. Today I wish my math or physics teacher had taught what these subjects can do to my dreams.

Over the years, while the dream faded, it was not forgotten. I have been trying to learn more about the existence of everything around and beyond. However, all the information I came across was either too complex to understand and follow or there were too many concepts and data overload which were not so easy to process.

I recently chanced upon this documentary series and thought that if it was available when I was growing up, maybe I would have a realised a very different dream.

“Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Cover - Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Watch it on Hotstar Disney.

This is a space documentary but trust me it’s more than just a documentary. This is a special one. It takes you on a “Ship of the imagination” (literally) and who better to accompany you than Neil deGrasse Tyson (An American astrophysicist, cosmologist, planetary scientist, author, and science communicator)” across space and time. This documentary series has released 2 seasons and I just completed the second one yesterday. This inspired me to share this series with you all.

What makes this series so special is that every human, with or without an understanding of science can also find it enlightening.

Below are my top three reasons why I absolutely admire this series, in particular, above all other space documentaries I have ever seen. It has a perfect balance of knowledge and entertainment.

1. Breaking The Complexity

I specifically liked the way they have simplified complex concepts. Take time, for instance. They have mapped time since its beginning through a cosmic calendar, which is indeed one of the most intriguing features in both seasons. This calendar marks 1st January as the day of Big Bang and shows the entire journey from then to now in just one calendar year. Every month in the cosmic calendar represents about a billion years and every day represents about 40 million years.  Watch the video:

A Video of Cosmic calendar showing the journey from Big Bang till now!

2. Animated Storytelling

Throughout, this series takes you to a time when there was no camera or videos to capture moments. It talks about the very first humans who dared to take the first step which helped us explore the world we know today. It depicts the hardships of all forgotten scientists or common people who shaped up whatever little we know about space and time today by bringing it all to life that we can easily visualise. Watch the video:

Beautiful animation telling the story of first scientists and explorers who depicted the world we know today!

3. Visual Effects

The series takes you on a journey within our planet, other planets within our solar system, and beyond our solar system or galaxy. The visual effects take you on a trip as if you are traveling for real. While watching, you might wonder “I wish I would have studied more, if only I understood the practical side of the subjects like Maths, Physics and all about Science through a series like Cosmos”! Watch the video:

Trailer of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Season 2: Possible Worlds.

Finally, An Ode To Carl Sagan

Smiling Carl Sagan
Image Source: IQ

It would not do justice to Cosmos if I did not mention Carl Sagan. Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science populariser, science communicator, and many other great things. What makes him special and different for me, is that he was one of the firsts to popularise science and make it public. For someone like me, or maybe a student who is dreaming about space – he “brought it to life”. He co-wrote and narrated television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage in 1980. It inspired many including Neil deGrasse Tyson who continued his legacy of Cosmos with the new two seasons mentioned above.

If you ever dreamt of living a space dream or you have a child who might not know what his real dream is, I recommend Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, not just to any one group but everyone, especially children. Children are curious by nature and if in their foundation years right seed is sown, it might just propel them light years ahead!!!

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4 years ago

Just loved this . I echo your thoughts on the advantages of being exposed to such a topic in a captivating way …. So want to watch this series now to know more

Alakananda Bhattacharya

I must say, it was an “out of the world” experience! Your article actually took us to another world and beyond. Beautifully written, informative yet interesting. I and definitely going o give it a try now! Thank you, Tarun for sharing!

Marianne Fronteras
Marianne Fronteras
4 years ago

Have not read reviews/articles about series/movies written with such eloquence bringing its subject to life for the reader. Reading so many reviews out there on so many things it’s such an accomplishment to keep an article crisp but still be able to do justice. Great work Tarun! Disney Hotstar should have you within their social listening radar because of this! Can’t wait to read a compilation for many other series!

4 years ago

Well written – i could visualise a lot it while reading it. Great work.

4 years ago

Tarun….Very well penned experience , keep it up!!


Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh
4 years ago

Thanks so much 😀

Shikari Shambu
Shikari Shambu
4 years ago

So well written, it actually redirects you to imagine the universe in the exact way as it would have been shown in the series. Beautiful writeup. and nice flow from dreams to the show. Well done.
Suggestion: Maybe one sentence about other series/shows on this same topic can be listed and compared how this one goes much beyond them

4 years ago

I need to go watch this over the weekend!

4 years ago

Hey, this is have articulated it well with visuals..nicely done.. i wish the team all talismanic luck 🙂 I will definitely share with kids around fo’ shizzle..

Arindam Sarkar
4 years ago

After reading the article, I actually searched the TV show to watch it. And the good thing is I could image about the show, just by reading the article. Well written with a good and crisp flow of words !!